this week

This story happened last week ..


minggu lalu di kotaku diadakan Launching album samarinda respect compilation yang dimana ada sekitar 21 band mengisi di album perdana tersebut .
acara ini berhasil diadakan karena adanya beberapa teman2 (banu dan kawan2) yang mau memperjuangkan band2 lokal khususnya samarinda agar lebih dikenal masyarakat . oh ya , acara launching album tersebut gak hanya untuk kepentingan band2 yang mengisi saja , acara tersebut juga diadakan sekalian beramal . karena beberapa persen dari penjualan album tersebut disisihkan untuk korban bencana alam , ya kalian taulah negara kita ini baru dilanda bencana alam 3 kali berturut2 . bencana mentawai , wasior dan merapi , walaupun yang disumbangkan tidak seberapa tapi setidaknya itu sudah bisa sedikit meringankan beban sodara2 kita yang terkena bencana . acara ini juga menghadirkan special guest star yaitu Quasi , yang rata2 personilnya kuliah di yogya .
band yang kata gitarisnya beraliran 'pop' ini cukup membius para penonton yang hadir malam itu dan tentunya saya juga xD .


terpaksa ak skip hari minggu ama senin karena ak lupa apa yang terjadi dihari itu haha .
hari ini ada kuis mata kuliah PHI . dan bisa ditebak saya tidak belajar sama sekali , soalnya gk tega untuk ngebuka catatan2 yang sudah disusun rapi di lemariku LOL .
lagian tadi malam aku gk ada pulang kerumah karena disibukan dengan ngumpul bareng temen2 -______- *kesibukan yang sungguh2 gk penting* .
baru pagi tadi ak kembali kerumah , sampe rumah mata udah mau tertutup , kesenggol bantal sedikit langsung tidur huahha dan bangun jam 3 sore -_- saya melewatkan mata kuliah agama ! .
dengan cepat aku bergegas mandi dan mengejar waktu agar tidak ketinggalan jam kedua ! akhirnya sampe juga dikampus dan saya bisa mengikuti kuis PHI .
untung ada temen sebelah kanan kiri dan belakang yang mau membantu saya hihi :D .
akhirnya kuis pun selesai tanpa ada satu jawaban pun yang kulewatkan xD . tapi gk tau dah hasilnya tar gimana .


beruntung hari rabu ini libur kuliah , karena memperingati hari raya idul adha . dimana terjadi pembantaian massal terhadap para sapi dan kambing yang tidak berdosa hahaha seharusnya yg dibantai hari ini adalah para koruptor2 di sana hahahah dan yang pantas ke Bali untuk nonton Kejuaraan Tennis itu ya si sapi dan kambing ahahaa apasih !! -_- .
sebetulnya jika hari ini turun gk tau harus gimana , soalnya tugas conversation bahasa inggris belum ak selesain . sebenernya sudah slsai sih tapi karena minggu lalu kelompok ak nambah satu orang lagi , mau gk mau ak harus buat conversation yang isinya ada 5 orang ! .
dan satu lagi mulai hari ini saya sudah bisa pastikan apa menu makanan untuk tiga hari kedepan -_- pasti daging sapi !


hari ini pagiinyaa ceraaaaaah bangeet ! tapi sayang disiang harinya hujan mulai mengguyur kota ini lagi . dan saat hujan turun ak lagi ada di oishii . rumah makan yang isinya kebanyakan mahasiswa2 unmul . soalnya letaknya berdekatan dengan unmul .
saya berteduh sekitar dua setengah jam disitu SENDIRIAN hingga hujan reda . lalu lanjut ke studio untuk briefing . sebenernya kemarin briefingnya tapi dikarenakan saya baru baca sms sore harinya mau gak mau di tunda jadi hari ini xD .
sesampainya di studio ternyata gak ada orang dan saya SENDIRIAN lagi hehe dan menunggu teman2 yg akhirnya datang satu jam kemudian -_- sempat tidur aku .
selesai briefing lanjut ke warnet temen hingga pagi harinya ahaha yupz saya pulang pagi lagi o.O .


gk mungkin ak lupa apa yang terjadi hari ini , soalnya ak nulis cerita ini pas hari ini juga haha . yah walaupun gk bisa banyak yang diceritakan untuk hari ini , karena seharian saya cuma tidur -_-
pagi baru pulang kerumah dan gk sengaja kesenggol tempat tidur :p ya langsung ketidur .
bangun sekitar pukul 5 sore harinya . padahal aku ada janji mau ke Tenggarong untuk nonton launching album Kapital .
tapi perasaan capek masih menyelimuti .
ambil hp balesin sms yg masuk langsung tidur lagi , dan bangun jam 9malam :D asli parah ! hahaha .
bangun langsung ke dapur cari makan , dan menu hari ini (masih) daging arrrrrrr ...
habis makan balik ke ruang TV nonton eh ketiduran hahahahahahaha dan bangun jam 12 . ambil hp buka twitter dan facebook , baca sana sini sampe bosan sendiri akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk menulis cerita ini . setelah menulis cerita ini panjang lebar hingga kehabisan akal saya pun memutuskan untuk ...
dadah mw TIDUR dulu HAHAHAHA !!
READ MORE - this week

just a lil part ..

hai !
i havent blogging for a long time (i guess) ..
so im here to tell my story ..
i dont know why i keep on having this lazy feeling when ever logging into my blog page ..
sometimes i have an idea what to write , but im too lazy to write it out ..
then im trying hardly now ..
i just wanna share what happened last week ..
my band were playing on Launching Compilation Album , and there are 21 bands in it ..
and the show not just for fun , we are all saved 50% from the prices of album for charity ..
ya you know what , indonesia just got disasters on 3 different places ..
theres tsunami in Mentawai , flood flash hit in Wasior , And Merapi ..
the show started at 2pm - 10pm *correct me if im wrong* , and my band played about 4:30pm ..
when we were ready to burn the stage , my friend told me , he saw my ex over there *_* wrong time i guess ..
i dont want to see her , but we were at same place . i hate to see her , i can hosnestly say that we never fought ..
she broke me up 1 year ago with no reason and we never talked to each other for a long time . so i just feels like she was a toxic part of my life and i didnt even want to talk . i have no desire to put anything else like relationship or friendship ..
and yesterday i got text from unknown number . i asked who is it , unknown replied im is ur ex ..
i dont believe it , because too many unknown numbers texted me and said it was my ex ..
but this one is different from the way she wrote a text . uh i wont write this part ..
actually now i can forget all about her perfectly , i never think about her again !
i love my life with no one girlfriend beside me ..
i still have many friends here ..
Thats all ..
READ MORE - just a lil part ..

Why I Deleted My Foursquare Account ?

Shea Sylvia, a Kansas City web geek and early adopter of shiny new internet tools, wrote on her blog in July 2010 that she was creeped out while eating at a restaurant with friends — when the hostess came over and told her she had a phone call.

Shea recollected that conversation.

But when I answered the phone, I didn’t recognize the voice on the other end.


“Hey Shea. This is Brian.”


I racked my brain, trying to figure out who I knew named “Brian”.

“I saw that you checked in there on Foursquare, Shea,” he said.

My heart started to race. I’ve read articles about burglaries and stalking thanks to Foursquare, but because I only occasionally link my check-ins with tweets, I figured I was being responsible. Standing at the front desk of a restaurant on the phone with a complete stranger was the absolute last thing I expected from a harmless tweet about meeting friends from the internet and a link to my location.

“I like to hang out with people from the internet too. Maybe we should hang out sometime. What do you think about that?” Brian asked.

“Ok…” I said unconvincingly.

“Maybe we could ride bikes together.”


And then he said, “Is this getting creepy?”

“Yeah, this is a little creepy,” I replied, looking around the restaurant, hoping I’d spot someone on their phone. No luck.

“You probably shouldn’t be telling people where you are on Foursquare, should you, Shea?” he said.

I was trying not to cry at this point. And then I hung up.

That blog post led to her retelling it in the Guardian. People insulted her in the comments of both places, and one commenter turned violent when he sent this random girl an email threat about raping her.

Scary stuff.

I recounted Shea’s story last week during a telephone conversation with Boston Globe reporter Beth Teitell, who was researching angles about the rise in location-based social networking sites.

While my interview didn’t make the final cut, Carissa O’Brien‘s was featured.

“My daughter and I were doing the March for Babies walk,’’ said O’Brien, 33, “and when I stopped in at the Mass. General tent at the Hatch Shell, someone said ‘Are you Carissa?’ ’’

“It was a little odd,’’ she said, temporarily forgetting that she had brought the situation on herself. Her first act upon arriving at the fund-raising walk, after all, had been to pull out her smartphone and “check in’’ on Foursquare, a mobile application that lets her tell the world, or at least part of it, where she is, and, thanks to the photo she uploaded, what she looks like.

I’ve met Carissa many times. We were first introduced about a year ago when MC Hammer and Gary Vaynerchuk came to town to talk at the Gravity Summit.

I agree with Steve Garfield (who was also interviewed in Beth’s story) that Foursquare is valuable. I created an account earlier this year, and I have since written about Foursquare many times.

But I deleted my account this week.

I’m hardly alone. Alex Wilhelm, Chris Conrey, Jason Grigsby, and Morgan McLintic are just a few people Google pointed me to who deleted their accounts, too.

I recognize the positive vibes of sharing your location with friends; but even if you make your check-ins private and only friends can see them, if you check-in to a location and someone searches for that location, that person sees you — and whatever photograph and biographical information attached to your profile.

For every Carissa and Steve, I also think of Shea.

There is a benefit for businesses to know their customers, and Foursquare can build customer satisfaction. People are checking into places and sharing their whereabouts with the world.

Geolocation is hot, but I don’t need to have a Foursquare account to evangelize its importance.

Maybe I’ll create an account again in the future. But for now, I’ve had enough. I don’t want the world anymore to know where I am, unless I tell them.

Source :
READ MORE - Why I Deleted My Foursquare Account ?
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Samarinda, East Borneo, Indonesia
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